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Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

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Omron HV-F128 TENS Mesin

Meringankan rasa sakit dan ketegangan otot di sentuhan tombol dengan HV-F128 TENS Omron

The HV-F128 memiliki ablilty untuk menenangkan, meringankan dan memijat daerah yang berbeda dari tubuh Anda. Dengan layar LCD, Anda dapat memilih yang berbeda 15 menit program yang sesuai dengan efek yang diinginkan. Sekarang juga menampilkan pad kehidupan dicuci lama

Omron HVF-128 TENS Mesin sederhana dan mudah digunakan. Melalui pemilihan mode terapi otomatis dan kemampuan untuk menyesuaikan tingkat intensitas, pasien sekarang dapat melengkapi pengobatan mereka dalam kenyamanan rumah mereka sendiri.

Perangkat ini dilengkapi dengan perekat bantalan umur panjang, yang menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk gel berantakan. Bantalan umur panjang dapat memberikan hingga 300 menggunakan. Mereka tersedia untuk pembelian di website ini, klik disini. (Untuk penunjuk halaman ini, tekan Ctrl-D).

Mengapa fitur pijat otot?

Nyeri sering dikaitkan dengan kekakuan.

"Yang sering terjadi adalah pasien memiliki luas wilayah nyeri, mengatakan arthritis atau cedera, dan ini menyebabkan mereka untuk menghindari penggunaan otot-otot yang terletak di daerah itu Hal ini pada gilirannya menciptakan kekakuan otot dan atrofi, mengakibatkan hilangnya mobilitas dan kekuatan. Para Omron TENS memiliki mesin. fitur otot pijat GABUNGAN yang membantu untuk melepaskan daerah itu dari ketegangan otot sementara merangsang saraf dan memberikan bantuan sakit "


High Frequency TENS Terapi.
Layar LCD
12 Mode Terapi Auto - mode dipilih untuk menenangkan dan meringankan, untuk daerah tubuh tertentu dan jenis pijat

Menenangkan: terapi untuk sakit otot.
Meringankan: terapi untuk nyeri otot.
Daerah Mode: untuk bahu, sendi, lengan, tunggal, kaki dan pinggang.
Pijat Mode: tap, lutut, push, gosok.
5 Mode Khusus

Hyper Mode: Meningkatkan stimulasi secara bertahap.
Lembut Mode: Stimulasi Lembut.
Ulangi Mode: Ulangi rangsangan favorit Anda dan mode pijat.
Point dan Lebar: -Untuk bahu atau pilih area kecil point.-Untuk punggung bagian bawah atau menyembunyikan wilayah yang lebih luas pilih.
Merah & Putih: Sesuaikan efek stimulasi dari panel kiri dan kanan untuk terapi optimal.
Elektroda bantalan

Omron HV-F128 dilengkapi dengan bantalan umur panjang yang tahan lama dan bisa dicuci dengan mesin

Omron HV-F128 TENS Machine

Relieve pain and muscle tension at the touch of a button with the Omron HV-F128 TENS

The HV-F128 has the ablilty to soothe, relieve and massage different areas of your body. With an LCD screen, you can select different 15 minute programs to suit the desired effects. Now also featuring a washable long life pad

The Omron HVF-128 TENS Machine is simple and easy to use. Through the selection of an automatic therapy mode and the ability to adjust the level of intensity, patients can now complement their treatment in the comfort of their own home.

The device comes with adhesive long life pads, which remove the need for messy gels. The long life pads can provide up to 300 uses. They are available for purchase on this website, click here. (To bookmark this page, press Ctrl-D).

Why the muscle massage feature?

Pain is often associated with stiffness.

"What often happens is a patient has an area of pain, say arthritis or an injury, and this causes them to avoid using the muscles located in that area. This in turn creates muscle stiffness and atrophy, resulting in a loss of mobility and strength. The Omron TENS machine has a COMBINED muscle massage feature that helps to release the area from muscle tension whilst stimulating the nerves and providing pain relief"


High Frequency TENS Therapy.
LCD Screen
12 Auto Therapy Modes - Selectable modes to soothe and relieve, for specific body regions and massage types

Soothe: therapy for muscular ache.
Relieve: therapy for muscular pain.
Region Mode: for shoulder, joint, arm, sole, leg and waist.
Massage Mode: tap, kneed, push, rub.
5 Special Modes

Hyper Mode: Increase the stimulation gradually.
Soft Mode: Gentle Stimulation.
Repeat Mode: Repeat your favourite stimulation and massage modes.
Point and Wide: -For shoulder or small area select point.-For lower back or larger area select hide.
Red & White: Adjust stimulation effect of the left and right pad for optimum therapy.
Electrode pads

The Omron HV-F128 comes complete with long life pads which are durable and machine washable
Exclusive 3 Year Warranty

This TENS machine is backed with our exclusive 3 YEAR WARRANTY. Should the unit fail in this time period return it to us and we will either replace the unit or refund your money.
(NB: Warranty does not apply to connection leads or electrodes)

Click here to buy the Omron TENS Machine

Click here to buy a replacement set of Omron Long life Pads

What is Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)?

The Omron HV-F128 Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator enables you to reduce and relieve your pain symptoms. TENS therapy alleviates muscle and nerve pain through gentle electrical stimulation. You should also remember that pain has a very important warning function by telling us that something is wrong. If you suffer from any serious illness, consult your doctor in order to confirm whether you can use the electrical nerve stimulator.

For active people, TENS Therapy provides a massaging experience which can have a beneficial effect on muscle stiffness. It is very good for soothing overall body fatigue and improving the blood circulation in treated areas.

Stop Pain Getting on Your Nerves

Nerves are located throughout the entire body as a complex network which perform various tasks that are important for maintaining proper functioning. Thery conduct impulses between the central nervous system and an organ, or part of the body. They also transmit commands to and from the brain, regulating the body's functions, as well as muscle contraction and relaxation. Using the TENS method, Transcutaneous (i.e. passing through the skin via Electrical Nerve Stimulation) the important nerve functions can be activated effectively. The impulses that are generated from the TENS device are comparable to neural bioelectricity present in the body, stimulating the body's pain relieving mechanisms. In this way, the transmission of pain by the nerve fibres is blocked, and the secretion of pain relieving, morphine like substances such as endorphins, are triggered. As a result, the blood flow through the treated body zones is improved.

Try the Omron HV-F128 TENS device for yourself and stop pain getting on your nerves.

WARNING: The Omron HV-F128 is not designed for use above the neck or for individuals who have a pacemaker


Power Supply DC3V (2 x AAA alkaline batteries)
Battery Life Approx. 3 months: used once per day for 15 minutes, or approx. 2 months once per day for 15 minutes on HYPER
Batteries included Yes
Frequency generated Approx. 1 to 1200Hz
Power consumption Approx. 85mA
Unit dimension 60 (w) x 199 (h) x 21 (d)
Unit weight Approx. 155g (inc batteries)
Electrodes 2 x long life electrodes are included. Lifespan depends on usage. Click here to buy new electrodes

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@tokoarb - WEBSTA